Frequently Asked Questions

Is access really 100% free to A1/A3 questions?

Yes, it's 100% free! The European Drone Pilot exam called A1/A3 is the first theoretical exam you must pass to fly in Europe (in Leisure or Professional). Also, I have chosen to offer access to my MCQ A1/A3 database to allow you both to test the site and also to be well prepared to pass this test.

MCQ: Multiple Choice Questions

What are the differences between A1/A3 and A2?

You must first hold theoretical A1/A3 before you can take theoretical A2. The A1/A3 is for pilots who want to fly a drone weighing 500 grams to 25 kg, away from assemblies of people and at least 150 m from residential areas. In A2, you can fly 50m from people. These flights are so-called 'Open category' flights.

The SPEC examination will allow flights near aerodromes, in built-up areas and over assemblies of people, in the 'Specific category'.

Are the questions those of the exams?

Some question titles are very similar, in fact I use a drafting protocol published by the EASA (the European Aeronautical Authority) which necessarily leads to a result similar to that of the official MCQ writers of theoretical aeronautical exams. The idea is to respect copyright and at the same time provide content suitable for your learning, but to make you learn that the maximum flight height with a drone is 120m, you will not have thousands of solutions turns of phrase, and you will therefore come across almost systematically identical titles.
The aim is to practice to be comfortable on the day of the exam, so success will depend on your ability to learn and the time you can devote to it.

Is your site sufficient to pass the European theory test?

Knowing that my MCQs cover the entire program, if you have worked well and understood my explanations, read the additional documents and the summary courses, you should easily pass the theoretical exam.

The A1/A3 exam can be prepared for free here and it takes place directly (and also for free) on the DGAC website here: /users/sign_in

The advantage with European theory is that there is no longer any need to finance practical training.

Currently, you can pass the 'A2' which gives you even more possibilities of exploitation, by going to an examination center in Belgium, Switzerland or Luxembourg.
'SPECIFIC exam is now open in Belgium (contact us for more information).

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