Legal Notice

The website belongs to the service provider EI Bertrand Peyron
Siret: 421643875
VAT: FR33421643875

Site hosted by OVH
SARL OVH 140, quai du Sartel
Tel: 0 899 701 761 - Fax: 03 20 20 09 58 -

Copyright and Copyright

All of this service is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations. Reproduction of all or part of this site on any electronic medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited, except with the express authorization of the owner. All logos, trademarks, images, texts, distinctive signs, etc., present on the site are also protected by intellectual property rights. The use of the service does not imply in any case and in any way any transfer of rights, these remaining the exclusive property of the service provider. Any fraudulent use of all or part of the site may give rise to prosecution.

Protection of personal data according to GDPR 2018

No personal information is collected without your knowledge. No personal information is disclosed to third parties. No personal information is used for unintended purposes. Please do not disclose unnecessary or sensitive personal information. Addresses of all types (postal or e-mail) may not under any circumstances be transferred to third parties or communicated for unforeseen purposes. If you receive a newsletter from this site, you can oppose the sending of these mailings by following the unsubscribe link in the newsletter. Your personal data is kept in our file for a period strictly necessary to manage the duration of your access. As the recipient of our e-mailings, you have the right to ask us, at any time, to permanently erase all information concerning you from our database, which we will do immediately. On the other hand, we inform you that your data is secured by us and is not, or will not be, in any case transmitted to any organization or other company. In accordance with the RGPD of May 28, 2018, you have a right of access to the data concerning you from the person in charge of the publication. To exercise this right, the user can send us an email from the 'contact' section. The HTTPS protocol is used for this site.

Editing the site

We reserve the right to modify or correct the content of this service and this legal notice at any time and without notice.

Links to other Internet services

The links to other Internet services present on this site are provided exclusively to provide you with the most complete information. No responsibility for these sites and their content. For this reason, we decline all responsibility concerning these sites or the information appearing there, the software or other documents which are there or concerning the consequences of their use. If you decide to access external services linked to our service, you do so entirely at your own risk.
Disclaimer It is up to the user of this service to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet.

Cookies on this site

In order to carry out statistics (e.g. estimateion of service traffic), the display of social network buttons, the improvement of your navigation and for security reasons (eg to be able to determine the origin of spam), we may collect data about you, such as your IP address or environment variables through the use of session cookies. A 'cookie' is a block of data sent to your browser by a web server and stored on the internal memory of your computer (or tablet or smartphone). One or more 'cookies' can be placed anonymously on the internal memory of your computer (or tablet or smartphone). These cookies do not contain any information of a private nature, or which could allow you to be identified. They simply allow the site to improve the services offered. The use of cookies is optional, but recommended. You can nevertheless oppose their presence and refuse and delete them. To this end, consult the help files of your browser.

Exclusive rights: Content under private and protected license, reproduction prohibited and prosecuted.